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Humans are the only constant in a world of rapid technological advancement. Whether as a threat actor, an unwitting victim, an insider or an accomplice – the human factor remains an important element in assessing the risk of any cyber environment. Join us as we share some of the latest observed methods and actionable approaches to minimise potential damage and liability stemming from our species.


  • Jay Gomez (Associate Managing Director, Asia-Pacific of Kroll)

    Jay Gomez

    Associate Managing Director, Asia-Pacific of Kroll

  • Carmelo Alcala (Director, Compliance, Risk and Audit of Global Services)

    Carmelo Alcala

    Director, Compliance, Risk and Audit of Global Services

  • Suchitra Narayanan (APAC Head of Risk and Insurance at Revantage)

    Suchitra Narayanan

    APAC Head of Risk and Insurance at Revantage


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Risk & Insurance Professionals

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Brokers, Insurers, Service Providers, Regulators and Media
