This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Pan-Asia Risk & Insurance Management Association events.

Event Details

Guiding the audience through a simulated ransomware attack, industry experts will discuss how to conduct a negotiation with cyber extortionists, and what considerations are at play therein. The session will be interactive and leave plenty of room for discussion and Q&A. The session draws from lessons and experiences in resolving physical kidnap, cyber extortion, and ransomware matters.


  • Kyle Schwaeble (Associate Director of S-RM)

    Kyle Schwaeble

    Associate Director of S-RM

  • Alexandra Wrobel (Head of Cyber, Commercial Insurance Asia at Zurich Insurance)

    Alexandra Wrobel

    Head of Cyber, Commercial Insurance Asia at Zurich Insurance

  • Tristan Ang (Head of Employee Benefits at International SOS)

    Tristan Ang

    Head of Employee Benefits at International SOS


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