Captive management isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavour. It is a nuanced practice that demands a risk managers thorough understanding of various factors. In this session, we'll dissect the intricacies of captives, beginning with an examination of the drivers prompting organisations to consider these solutions. We'll then delve into the establishment processes, covering regulatory considerations and key structural decisions. Despite its advantages as an alternative risk transfer, captives pose challenges and barriers. Our panelists will draw from their experiences to highlight common hurdles and offer pragmatic solutions to navigate these complexities and optimise performance to gain actionable insights.
Apr 8, 2024
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM GMT+8
Corporate Risk Managers with an active GlueUp account responsible for any of the following organisational risks as below:
- Enterprise Risk Management & Corporate Governance
- Regulatory & Operational Risks (e.g. Business Continuity, Information and Security Risks, Technology Risks, Market and Credit Risks
- Risk Financing / Corporate Insurance (e.g. General Insurance and Employee Benefits)
If you handle one or more of those above, you would qualify to be a PARIMA member. If you have yet to sign up as a PARIMA member, kindly sign up at